Why we exist

Desperation Church started with a simple idea:
What if there was a church where you could just come as you are?

This is a place where you belong before you believe.
Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome at Desperation Church.

Our vision is to help people Encounter God, Experience Life Change, Discover Purpose, and Change the World.


We desire to build a church services that attract the presence of God so that God will attract the people. Our services are a safe place to learn more about what it means to know God and grow closer to Him.

Experience Life

We believe life change happens in the context of authentic relationships, which is why we are a church of community groups. In the Bible, they worshiped in the temple, but personal ministry happened “house to house.”


We are all an important part of God's plan, and our life will never make sense until we discover our purpose. We believe God's design is to find, develop, and fulfill that purpose within the local church.

the World

We are passionate about taking the name of Jesus beyond the four walls of the church. Our motto is to see the need, and be the answer. We believe that as we serve our world, God will change it.



As the founding and lead pastor of Desperation Church

Andy Heis is known for his charismatic and simplistic preaching style and his love for people. Andy and his wife Leah have two children, Avery and Caleb, and live in Cullman, Alabama.

Andy has a deep passion to see a mighty move of God in our city, state, country, and throughout the world. He desires to impact the world for the Kingdom of God in every facet of his life and desires to be used by God to lead others to Christ. Andy has over twenty years of experience in ministry, twelve of which he served at Gardendale First Baptist Church as the College and Singles Pastor.

Andy’s educational background includes a BA from Southeastern Bible College and a Masters of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in Birmingham, Alabama.


God the Trinity

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  • We believe that God is eternal, having always existed.

  • We believe that God is the Creator of the heavens and earth, and that He created mankind (male and female) in His own image.

  • We believe that God is one God yet He eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (a concept more simplistically referred to as the Trinity).


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  • We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ.

  • We believe Christ will return for His people – the church (both the dead and those still living when He returns).

  • We believe that God will judge the earth and bring all things to justice.

  • We believe that those who reject faith in Christ will be judged for their sins and separated from God forever in Hell, a place of eternal punishment.

  • We believe that those who received Christ will not be judged for their sins, but rather for the overall quality of their lives and work. They will spend eternity with God in Heaven.

Holy Spirit

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  • We believe that the Holy Spirit of God is given to each believer in Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that all the gifts of the Holy Spirit detailed in scripture are active today, and that each believer received various spiritual gifts according to the will of God.

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit is an agent of regeneration in the believer’s life.

  • We believe He affects real and lasting change in each true believer by empowering and leading them toward godliness and the imitation of Christ.


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  • We believe that the redemption and salvation purchased for humanity through Jesus Christ is obtained and granted solely by God’s grace, through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that no act of goodness or morality, nor any religious act, can earn an individual’s redemption or salvation.

  • We believe that through faith and grace alone, God washes our sins away by the blood of Christ and grants us forgiveness and eternal life.

  • We believe that repentance (intentionally turning away from sin) is evidence of genuine faith.


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  • We believe that mankind is fallen and sinful and the image of God in mankind marred as a result. (Sin is any act or intention that stands contrary to God’s revealed will or His character and nature.)


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  • We believe that the Bible is God’s Word.

  • We believe it is infallible, unchanging, eternal and trustworthy.

  • We believe it is God’s standard and the plumb line of all truth. Any statement, action or mindset that stands in contradiction to God’s Word, either in part or in whole, we reject as false.



We are 1 house with many rooms. All of Desperation Church is in this together.



We work hard to be next level. We do the absolute best we can with what we have.



Welcome home! Desperation Church is place where you belong before you believe.



You gain what you give. We know we will only be satisfied when we give our lives away.



We believe our attitude is the difference maker. We choose joy in all situations.



We strive to make things clear to where all people can understand.
